Lilypie Baby Ticker

There’s This Delay…

Bernard @ August 18, 2005, 9:42 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 2 weeks & 2 days old]

There seems to be a pretty consistent delay between when Miranda cries, and when she soils her diaper, and unfortunately, that delay is just a little bit too long. When Miranda cries, we check our records to see when she last ate, and what was the state of her diaper. If we’re within an hour of her last feeding (yes, time gets so hazy that we sometimes can’t remember that we just fed someone an hour ago), then we probably just need to check her diaper, wrap her in her blankets again, and jiggle/sway/pat/shush her back to sleep.

Miranda doesn’t find a diaper check soothing at all. We get some warm tap water for her wipes, we strip off her blankets, put her on the changing pad, and open up her onesie. All the while, Miranda’s cry is getting louder and longer. Soon, she reaches a peak and tears literally shoot an inch or so from her eyes before landing back onto her face. It’s at this point that we finally get her diaper off. No stool. Maybe a bit of urine. Okay, just a quick wipe and a new diaper and we’re all set, right? Nope. During one of these big straining cries, things come shooting out. And so we wait. We hold the old diaper in place and wait until she seems to be done. Today she decided to spit up a bit, too. Then we clean her up and change the diaper.

It doesn’t help to wait before changing her diaper. Her cries just get worse. This also doesn’t happen every time. Sometimes it is just an easy diaper change. But couldn’t she finish her business in the diaper and then tell us? We’re happy to change the diaper after the fact — just don’t trick us into taking the diaper off first, and then getting us, okay?

One Response to “There’s This Delay…”

  1. sophia says :

    oh.. so familiar… the crying for nothing… we fake changed lucas many times when he was itsy bitsy. we go through all the motion of changing except change him and it seemed to work. he would calm down afterwards. also, to make your life easier changing diapers, try dressing them in the gowns! so much easier. lift, open, change, done. no buttons to mess with.

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