Lilypie Baby Ticker

State Capitals of the Eastern Border

Bernard @ February 15, 2010, 7:50 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 4 year, 6 months & 13 days old]

The kids have been learning a new song at school. This one reviews the capitals of the Eastern Border of the United States. Each capital/state pair is repeated twice. Eleanor knows the song a little better, so she leads this song, with Miranda repeating each pair. I missed Eleanor singing “Tallahassee”, but we have the rest of the song.

[If you can’t see the Flash player above, you can download the video in MP4 format appropriate for an iPod: MP4 (14MB).]

I think it’s interesting that you put anything to music and kids this age can memorize it.

One Response to “State Capitals of the Eastern Border”

  1. Albert says :

    That was so cute. Yay!

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