Lilypie Baby Ticker

Second Birthday Party

Bernard @ August 5, 2007, 11:37 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 2 year & 3 days old]

We had Miranda and Eleanor’s second birthday party today at Agnes’ cousin Jean’s house. They have a community pool back behind their house, and so we packed up the girls’ swimsuits and headed out there. They have “water play” each Wednesday at their daycare, but this was the first time our girls had seen a swimming pool. We stuck to the wading pool.

Pool Party!

Jean’s kids Chris and Jasmine are in this picture with Agnes, Eleanor, and Miranda.

Considering her reaction at the Redondo Lagoon where she refused to go into the water at all, Eleanor did fairly well. She liked sitting by the side of the pool with her feet in the water, and then she decided it was okay to walk around in the one-foot section of the pool. After a little bit, she stepped down into the 1.5 foot section. We were playing with a few pool toys, some of which sink to the bottom of the pool. It was when Eleanor tried to reach down to get one, and ended up with a face full of water that she decided she didn’t like the pool any more. I eventually coaxed her back out one more time.

Miranda generally liked the pool and had fun playing with Jean. She too had an accident where she ended up with a face full of water. While she seemed to still be okay with being in the pool, we thought they were getting a little cold, so we called it a day.

Wrapped in Towels

Agnes’ mother wrapped the girls in towels to warm them up. They look like burritos. Eleanor’s the one in blue holding the Happy Birthday balloon.


We went back into the house and had some pizza and cake. The girls didn’t quite understand how to blow out their candles so I assisted. Miranda had parts of both my slice of cake and Agnes’ mother’s slice. Eleanor thought the cake was something foreign and therefore refused to try it outright.

As a side note, I finally got around to loading up a lightbox script, so you should be able to click on any of the pictures in this blog entry to see larger versions.

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