Lilypie Baby Ticker

Not Sleeping

Agnes @ August 27, 2007, 9:21 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 2 year & 25 days old]

This weekend, we put them down for a nap at 1:30pm, and I also went to lie down. I woke up every half-hour or so to the sound of laughter coming from their room. I finally dragged myself out of bed at 4pm and found them sitting in their cribs. There was a pile of blankets, stuffed animals, and both of their pants in the center of the room. Bernard was in and out of the house at the time and he confirmed that they were awake for the entire two and a half hours in their respective cribs.

On one hand, I was amazed that they entertained themselves for over two hours; on the other hand, I felt bad that we essentially trapped them in their room for that long. Anyway, we chalked it up to a one time thing because it was a hot day, and probably hard to sleep in the afternoon.

Tonight I put the kids to bed at 8:15pm, and it’s 9:15pm now and I still hear laughter from their room! I also hear talking and singing. My mom says that we may have to put them in separate bedrooms, but this won’t work until we move into a bigger house with more bedrooms. Should I yell, “Eleanor and Miranda, stop talking! Go to bed!”? I can’t imagine that two twenty-four month old kids have that much to say to each other.

One Response to “Not Sleeping”

  1. sophia says :

    hahaha… you underestimate your kids. :) wait until you put them in regular bed. they’ll be coming out of their room every 5 minutes. :P

    if we let lucas, he would rather play in his room than go to sleep (naps and night sleep). i don’t see how he can play in his room when it’s pitch dark but he does. so sometimes i have to lay down with him in his bed for 5-10 minutes so that he’ll be still and quiet. many times that does the trick and he’ll fall asleep right away if he can’t play. then i’ll sneak out.

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