We thought that we would turn the girls to face forward in the car at around twelve months, but the girls were still under twenty pounds. Finally, this Thanksgiving, we decided to turn them forward. We’re pretty sure they’re twenty pounds, and partly the decision was made for us–the rental car we got while visiting my sister was a two-door, and it was just impossible to get the kids into rear-facing seats. Our one big hope was that Miranda would enjoy her car rides quite a bit more while facing forward.
Overall, it seems to be an improvement. Miranda still fusses in the car when we’ve been in it for too long, but I think she enjoys seeing our faces when we turn around to check on them. One new problem, which I’m guessing we’ll have for a long time, is that when the girls drop something, it no longer stays on their laps. Hopefully, they’ll learn.
yay! they look so cute. we learned to be good contortionists to get the fallen objects…
you can try tying it to the carseat but it’s prolly better in the long run that they learn not to throw stuff. one thing i would suggest getting and put it under the carseat is the shelf liner (goes the whole length of the car). it cost $3-4 at Walmart. the actual seats get really dirty underneath, esp the crevices, with crumbs, dirt, etc once they start eating in their seats. i just moved ethan into the marathon too b/c the carrier is getting too small already.